Pragmatism: The Classic Writings
Price 13.30 - 15.09 USD
A reprint of the New American Library edition of 1970.CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction.I. DEWEY: The Development of American Pragmatism.PEIRCE: Introduction. II. Definition and Description of Pragmatism. III. The Fixation of Belief. IV. How to Make Our Ideas Clear. V. What Pragmatism Is.JAMES: Introduction. VI. An Interview: PragmatismWhat It Is. VII. Selections from The Principles of Psychology. VIII. The Will to Believe. IX. What Pragmatism Means. X. Pragmatisms Conception of Truth. XI. The Tigers in India. XII. The Meaning of the Word Truth.DEWEY: Introduction. XIII. The Unit of Behavior (The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology). XIV. The Practical Character of Reality. XV. The Construction of Good. XVI. The Pattern of Inquiry.MEAD: Introduction. XVII. Social Consciousness and the Consciousness of Meaning. XVIII. The Social Self.LEWIS: Introduction. XIX. A Pragmatic Conception of the A Priori. Sources of the Selections. Selected Bibliography.