Inside Gilligan"s Island: A Three-Hour Tour Through The Making Of A Television Classic

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780312104825

Join the creator of Gilligan"s Island for a three-hour tour! Just sit right back and you"ll hear a tale, A tale of a fateful show, That started as just one man"s dream, A long, long time ago. That man was a mightily wily guy, With smarts enough for eight. If the brass upstairs let him be, The program would be great. The program would be great. The meddlesome executives Blew up a mighty storm, If not for the courage of the fearless man, The program would be lost. The program would be lost. The show"s preserved in the leaves of this Terrific kooky book. With anecdotes, synopses too, Rare photographs and drawings. The whole story And lots, lots more Are here Inside Gilligan"s Island! Find out: Where the Howells got all those clothes! Learn: Did Gilligan and the Skipper ever get hurt when the coconuts hit them on the head? Discover: What was "Lovey"s" real name? Imagine: What kind of a pet the studio almost gave Gilligan! Sing: The original lyrics to the theme song!