Hymns for Morning & Evening Prayer

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781568542515

For more than sixteen centuries Christians have sung hymns at Morning and Evening Prayer. Unlike the psalms and the processional chants of the Mass, these Latin lyrics have meter and rhyme. They are built from a storehouse of scripture and ritual practice: the days of creation, the saga that begins with Abraham and Sarah, the prophet"s images, the gospel stories, the exhortation of New Testament letters, and the sacramental vision and practice of the church itself. What should this tradition sound like today? That was a decades-long task undertaken by Aelred-Seton Shanley and shared in these pages.These are his compositions, which may be sung to many chants and other tunes, for mornings and evenings of Advent,Christmastime, Lent and Eastertime. This volume makes a wonderful companion to any setting of the Litugy of the Hours and an ideal resource for personal prayer.