Prolo Your Pain Away! Curing Chronic Pain with Prolotherapy

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780979633706

The third edition of Prolo Your Pain Away- what"s new? We are very excited to be marking the tenth anniversary of the original Prolo Your Pain Away with this new third edition. In this new edition we included a brand new chapter all about the role of nutrition in controlling chronic pain. If you didn"t know it already, what you eat, and what you don"t eat can contribute to your fight with chronic pain! To help you determine what foods maybe hurting you and what foods maybe best for you, we give you helpful tips and guidelines to determine what diet maybe best for you. Should you eat hi-protein meals to feel better or should you be eating grains and low fat foods? You maybe very surprised! We also talk about dietary supplements, the good and the bad and in our opinion what may be the most beneficial for you. In this new edition, we updated the information on the ingredients used in Prolotherapy solutions including the up-and-coming platelet derived growth factors, and new research in the area of Prolotherapy. Plus a few more changes, if you found Prolo Your Pain Away helpful in battling chronic pain, then we are sure you will find this new edition very informative. Ross & Marion