The Best Books You Never Read: Vol I - Fiction - About to Boccaccio
Price 17.28 - 19.05 USD
A NEW Series from Fireship Press. The Best Books You Never Read Trying to decide which books to read next? This series is your answer. Hundreds of classic and quality books presented in summary form. Read a bit about each author, a summary of the book"s plot or content, and then decide. Each summary reads like a short story. The series will include: Fiction, Lives and Letters, Ancient and Medieval History, Modern History, Religion and Philosophy, Philosophy and Economics, Science, Travel and Adventure, and more. VOLUME I - FICTION - About to Boccaccio ABOUT, EDMOND - King of the Mountains AINSWORTH, HARRISON - Tower of London ANDERSEN, HANS - Improvisatore APULEIUS - The Golden Ass ARABIAN NIGHTS AUCASSIN AND NICOLETTE AUERBACH, BERTHOLD - On the Height AUSTEN, JANE - Sense and Sensibility - Pride and Prejudice - Northanger Abbey - Mansfield Park - Emma - Persuasion BALZAC, HONORE DE - Eugenie Grandet - Old Goriot - Magic Skin - Quest of the Absolute BECKFORD, WILLIAM - History of the Caliph Vathek BEHN, APHRA - Oroonoko BERGERAC, CYRANO DE - Voyage to the Moon BJOERNSON BJOERNSTJERNE - Arne - In God"s Way BLACK, WILLIAM - Daughter of Heth BLACKMORE, R.D. - Lorna Doone BOCCACCIO - Decameron