CMS Home Health Billing Manual: CMS Publication 100-4 Chapter 10
Price 49.00 USD
This handy manual updated to reflect 2010 changes is a great resource for finding answers quickly and easily when you re stumped with a home health billing question. Spend less time looking for answers while receiving the most appropriate payment allowed. It s the perfect supplementary guide to your billing and payment procedures. Packed with examples, definitions, and calculations from CMS, this helpful guide also provides a quick billing reference for services and supplies, as well as tips when billing for non-routine supplies. In addition, it identifies what has changed and what has been eliminated since the start of the revised PPS.This convenient manual will help you: Understand the general guidelines for processing home health agency (HHA) claims, such as where and how to bill Report non-routine supplies on the claim Use the Common Working File (CWF) for the PPS Meet provider and supplier responsibilities regarding services subject to consolidated billing Submit requests for anticipated payment (RAPs) and claims Become adept at completing form CMS-1450 (UB-04) Identify required quality data and the payment reduction for submission failure Explore special billing situations involving OASIS assessments, multiple agencies, and more