The Thyroid Eye Disease Book: Understanding Graves\" Ophthalmopathy
Price 17.99 - 19.99 USD
The first and only consumer book on Thyroid Eye Disease by the author of Graves" Disease, A Practical Guide This second printing of Elaine Moore"s meticulous, exhaustive and thoughtful book, is the definitive guide on Thyroid Eye Disease (TED), more specifically referred to as Graves" Ophthalmopathy (GO). This common eye disorder is associated with the autoimmune thyroid disease, Graves" Disease and also with Hashimoto"s thyroiditis, a disorder of hypothyroidism. The Thyroid Eye Disease Book will fill a void for much sought after information on this condition unique to thousands of Graves" patients worldwide. In her book, Moore also personalizes the information by sharing other patients" stories and narratives, helping to validate universal struggles people with this condition face. The Thyroid Eye Disease Book describes all facets of thyroid eye disease, including: genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors that contribute to GO; signs, symptoms; diagnostic tests; conventional and complementary treatment options, with an emphasis on the role of self-care; complications; psychosocial issues of living with GO.