Digital Signal Processing: A Laboratory Approach Using PC-DSP (3-1/2\" Version)

Price 60.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780133281392

This innovative text/disk package enables users to explore a variety of digital signal processing concepts through hands-on, interactive computer exercises. Paralleling the coverage of most undergraduate-level DSP texts, Digital Signal Processing begins the discussion of each topic with a brief introduction to its theory. This is followed by multi-part exercises - over 140 in all - that can be solved using the accompanying software. Each exercise was designed to explore a fundamental concept in digital signal processing. The accompanying software helps you generate, analyze, and process signals, compute transforms, as well as design and analyze filters. Features the student edition of PC-DSP version 2 (for MSDOS); emphasizes the use of computer graphics to illustrate signal processing concepts that may otherwise be difficult to grasp; uses an easy-to-learn interactive user interface, complete with context-sensitive on-line help features.