Born Naked (General Series)
A CHILDHOOD ADVENTURE In the summer of 1933 Angus Mowat, a soldier, sailor, beekeeper, and librarian, packed his family into a homemade camper dubbed the "Ark" and set off from Windsor, Ontario, to Saskatoon. For twelve-year-old Farley the trip through the prairie, with its teeming wildlife and big-sky beauty, would have a lasting effect on his life, giving birth to his love of the outdoors. In Born Naked Mowat tells the story of his unusual childhood, from sailing trips on Lake Ontario to explorations of Point Pelee, Vancouver Island, and Hudson Bay. It is the story of an eccentric family who stuck together through though economic times with ingenuity, hard work, and unfailing love. It is also the story of a young boy"s awakening to nature within and around him, an awakening that would one day make him one of the world"s most popular authors. Wry, funny, and wise, this remarkable book is a moving memoir of the childhood of a great writer and naturalist.