Stop Street Harassment: Making Public Places Safe and Welcoming for Women

Price 13.50 - 15.00 USD

First published in 2010 as a hardcover book by Praeger Publishers (an academic press), this is the paperback, affordable version! Street harassment is generally dismissed as harmless, but in reality, it causes women to feel unsafe in public, at least sometimes. To achieve true gender equality, it must come to an end. Stop Street Harassment: Making Public Places Safe and Welcoming for Women draws on academic studies, informal surveys, news articles, and interviews with activists to explore complexities of the issue. In the second half of the book, readers will find concrete strategies for dealing with street harassers and ways to become involved in working to end this all-too-common violation. Educators, counselors, parents, and other concerned individuals will discover resources for teaching about harassment and modeling behavior that will help prevent harassment incidents.