Livid Instruments LVALIAS8-WHITE MIDI Controller Software

Price 299.00 - 319.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 609408433399

Manufacture Vetrolaser LLC

A New Take on a Simple Idea. The Livid Alias 8 delivers the quick and dirty control you need in a durable, compact package with high-quality controls. Perfect as a portable mixer control, the Alias 8 is designed to satisfy the essential needs of every studio or a live rig. Eight "channel strips" of knobs, faders, and buttons, and a full-size master fader easily adapt to traditional mixing. The dual-function encoder makes it easy to change the MIDI channel (up to 15 channels), instantly extending its reach to control more of your software, while always keeping track of any LED feedback on the other channels. The encoder can also be used as a MIDI control for flipping through tracks or adjusting your cue volume - just push the encoder down to change its function. Like a Rubber Band. The Alias 8 doesn"t stop there at stretching out your studio. With two expansion jacks for Livid"s XPC line of controllers, you can add up to 16 more analog controls. Grab an XPC and instantly hook up something simple like more pots or faders for your sends and returns. If you really want to shake things up, there"s XPCs with something exotic, like accelerometers or joysticks. With our DIY line of parts and boards, you can get creative with the hardware and add something you built yourself with one of our Omni boards. Control your Flow. With such a large number of controls available, the Alias 8 is a perfect match for a quick set-up with your software"s MIDI learn function to quickly access the tweaks and freqs in your music, exactly the way you want. The Alias 8 keeps it simple and straightforward so you can adapt it to your workflow, instead of trying to figure out how it works. The special “settings channel” offers some essential configuration options that can be set with simple MIDI CC"s, so if you have something more complex in mind, you can configure the Alias 8 with something as obvious as a MIDI track!