Solving Golf Problems: A Concise Guide to Making the Most of Your Golf Game

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781592283484

Many golfers fail to realize that the harder they try, the harder golf gets. Worse, the better the golfer gets, the harder it is to improve. Golf cannot be conquered, and any attempt to take the game by force results only in frustration and utter defeat. However, with the proper attitude and preparation, golf can be outfoxed. Solving Golf Problems steers the novice or casual player around the hazards and clear of the rough. Drawing upon the game"s brightest minds, a vast library of golf writing, and a thorough grounding in the rich history of golf, Jim Apfelbaum has constructed a Poor Richard"s Almanac for the links--a credible source of unimpeachable wisdom and insight generously tempered with wry humor. Comprising chapters on the practical, thehistorical, the physical, the mental, the spiritual, and the secret, Solving Golf Problems makes no assumptions about the reader’s knowledge and assumes no limitation on the reader"s ability to outthink the game. Solving Golf Problems has everything anyone needs to enjoy the game of golf from the outset, while steadily improving skills and understanding.