Colonization, Succession and Stability: The 26th Symposium of the British Ecological Society Held Jointly With the Linnean Society of London (Symposia of the British Ecological Society)
This volume contains selected papers from the 26th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, which was held jointly with the Linnaen Society of London. The book reviews current understanding of the processes associated with succession in natural communities. Recent advances in fields ranging from community theory, modelling and population dynamics to physiology and quaternary studies are brought to bear on a central problem in ecology. A particular feature is the emphasis given to genetical processes. Topics include the attributes of colonizing and early successional plants and animals, the link between colonization and speciation, the dynamics of disturbance, and mechanisms of succession. Ideas relating to the niche, colonizing ability, community assembly rules, and the concept of stability are all re-examined.