History of the Parsis

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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1884 Excerpt: ... pure water, and the cause of rain and storms." "In his replies to these questions," says Dr. West, "Manuskihar displays much intelligence and wisdom; the morality he teaches is of a high standard for the age in which he lived." The thirteenth book treats of arguments proving the existence of God against those of the atheists. It criticises Jewish and Christian doctrines. The fourteenth, Bundehesh,1 is a very important 1 Its Pehlevi text is published by Westergaard. Its translation by Dr. West is published in the fifth volume of Max Muller"s series. Its Gujarati translation by the late Dastur Edalji Jamaspasa is still extant. Chap, iv. THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM. 181 book. Its name (original creation) "is applicable enough," says Dr. West, "to much of the earlier part of the work which treats of the progressive development of the creation under good and evil influences." The whole book seems to be a collection of fragments relating to the cosmogony, mythology, and legendary history taught by Mazdayasnan tradition. The fifteenth, Mino Kherad (spirit of wisdom), as its name implies, contains an account of the "tenets, legends, and morals of the Mazdayasnan religion." The sixteenth is an account of some deep and mystical enigmas asked by a sorcerer named Akht of Gosht-i-Fryano, who solves them. The nineteenth is an account of Arda Viraf s vision of heaven, and his description of what he saw in heaven and also in hell. The twentieth1 is a book which contains a list of practical good advice given by Adarbad Marespand to his son Zarathust. The twenty-first, as its name implies, is a historical account of the actions of King Ardeshir Babekan. The twenty-second book is otherwise known as the Pandnama Buzargche-Mehr, ...