Webmaster\"s Guide to Lotus Domino
Price 39.95 USD
Written with the Webmaster in mind this comprehensive book/CD package offers many tips, techniques and templates for using Lotus Domino. Covers everything from installation and configuration to the latest developments in Version 4.6. FEATURES Includes the latest material on Domino 4.6 and a look at 5.0, c.g., Notes Designer, JAVA applets, tight integration with Windows NT, the Web Admin Tool, and more CD contains software templates for Lotus Domino, creating web pages, the Virtual Company Store, job postings and more. Covers hardware and software requirements for installing the Domino and virtual web servers under Windows NT/Windows 95 Separate chapter includes a thorough discussion and practical examples of numerous Lotus Notes, Domino and HTML applications Extensive material on security issues, error log analysis and Domino Advanced Services