Our Universe-Infinite and Eternal: Its Physics, Nature, and Cosmology

The field equations of Einstein"s General Relativity are solved for an infinite universe with uniform density. One of the three solutions, the Infinite Universe of Einstein and Newton, fits all the data for the Hubble diagram better than the Big Bang. Next, using general relativity and the physics that evolved from Newton, the force of gravity between two massive point particles is found. Utilizing this force and the Infinite Universe of Einstein and Newton model, the net force of gravity on a point particle in arbitrary motion, due the uniform mass distribution of the universe, is calculated by integration. This net force of gravity is found to be equal to the Force of Inertia. These calculations explain Newton"s First Law, Newton"s Second Law, and the equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass. The middle of the book deals with the development of quantum mechanics. Here it is shown that hidden within the classical mechanics of particles there is the phase of a wave, associated with a particle, that moves at the speed of a de Broglie wave. The form of the phase of the wave is developed. Making use of the form of the phase, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for a particle is setup to be solved using an integrating factor. The resulting equation is manipulated directly into the form of the Schrödinger equation. This development requires that the particle Hamilton-Jacobi equation has a solution whenever the Schrödinger equation has a solution and vice versa. The classical wave function is then shown to have exactly the same mathematical properties as the quantum mechanical wave function, including the fact that the absolute value squared of the classical wave function has the mathematical properties of a probability density. However, the interpretation that this is a probability density for the particle is shown not to hold. Lastly, the missing matter problem is resolved by showing that the dynamics and the mass of a spiral galaxy are better and more naturally explained by using ordinary physics with ordinary interacting matter than they are by postulating and using exotic weakly interacting dark matter.