The Compensation Committee Handbook
Price 106.65 - 135.00 USD
New and updated information on the laws and regulations affecting executive compensationNow in a thoroughly updated Fourth Edition, The Compensation Committee Handbookprovides a comprehensive review of the complex issues challenging compensation committees that facerevised executive compensation disclosure regulations issued by the SEC, as well as GAAP andIFRS rulings and trends. This new and updated edition addresses a full range of functionalissues facing compensation committees, including organizing, planning, and best practicestips.Looks at the latest regulations impacting executive compensation, including new regulationsissued by the SEC, as well as GAAP and IFRS rulings and trendsCovers the selection and training of compensation committee membersExplores how to make compensation committees a performance driver for a companyGuides documentation requirements and timing issuesThe Compensation Committee Handbook, Fourth Edition will help all compensationcommittee members and interested professionals succeed in melding highly complex technical informationand concepts with both corporate governance principles and sound business judgment.