A Laboratory Course for Turbo Pascal

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780669202458

from the back cover:"...a supplement to any beginning Pascal text, allows the student to spend limited lab time productively. This new teaching tool for the Pascal lab allows instructors to monitor students" work in a fixed-time lab or to supplement programming assignments with structured exercises. The enclosed disk contains both complete programs that the student alters and program shells that the student completes. There are separate directories for Turbo Pascal 3.0, Turbo Pascal 4.0/5.0, and ISO Standard Pascal.Highlights;-complete lab lessons include a list of objectives, a summary of key concepts, hands-on exercises, and evaluation questions.-drill and practice exercises and problem-solving exercises result in a complete Pascal program that the student has written independently.-for students who learn procedures early in the course, specially marked exercises are included in Chapters 2-5-chapter 1 is a Turbo Pascal tutorial for students who use this popular Pascal compiler."