Talking Dirty: 5000 Slang Phrases
Talking Dirty presents, in 100 varied A-Z categories, 5000 slang phrases of every conceivable type: oaths, insults, chat-up lines, ripostes and rejoinders, exclamations of surprise, delight and disgust ("Well, strip me with the wrought end of a wallaby"s donger!!!"), phrases to cajole and persuade ("I"m gonna get medieval on your ass!!!"), elegant descriptions ("He gets more butt than ashtrays!!!") and memorable vernacular epigrams ("You"ve got thumb in bum and mind in neutral!!!"). Talking Dirty amounts to a popular thesaurus of slang phraseology, and is yet another richly entertaining exploration from Cassell of the endlessly inventive world of English slang, full of the linguistic playfulness and fun of The Big Book of Filth and The Big Book of Being Rude.