A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil

In an almost unprecedented move, a conclave of The Super Evil convened last year at a secret lair in North America to create a guide book for aspiring ne"er-do-wells. The result? A collection of papers known generally as A Method to the Madness: a Guide to the Super Evil, a collection destined to become the handbook globally of every evil genius. The collection includes 24 papers presented by evil luminaries such as Her Serene Omnipotence Calassandra, Conqueror and Empress; Janus Kinase Hateyuaniwae, BFA, PhD, PhD, FRCCP, P.Eng; and Dr. Evil-n-Carnate, Frequent Flyer, Grocery Shopper and Overlord Of Cubical Block 3257J - to name but a few. Between the 24 sages who assembled at the North American Conclave, they created insightful papers on the pressing subjects of Cognitive Perspective in the Pursuit of Evil; Principles of Biology and Genetics for Minion Breeding Programs; and, The Importance of Date Night to the Married Super Villain.