Gulf War Debriefing Book: An After Action Report
Price 18.95 USD
It has been over 10 years since Americans sat glued to their television sets watching the eerie and often frightening images of scud missile attacks, raging oil fires, and a defiant Saddam Hussein vowing to win the "Mother of all wars." Yet, a decade later, the details of the events, actions, and people involved in the seven months from late 1990 to early 1991 remain sketchy and often misunderstood. In Gulf War Debriefing Book, author Andrew Leyden attempts to offer only the facts and let his readers draw their own conclusions about the war and the overwhelming Allied victory. This is not an "insiders" story nor a personal memoir. It is, rather, a detailed and thoroughly researched account of the military units deployed, the primary weapons used, and the people, places, and politics behind the military maneuvering.