Brewer\"s Best German Oktoberfest Home Brewing Ingredient Kit
Price 34.43 - 45.00 USD
German OktoberfestAmber in color with a nice blend of Munich malt and crystal grains. Medium-bodied, malty and finished with a distinct hop flavor. This kit includes a lager yeast that will also perform well if fermented at aletemperatures.IBU"s: 22 - 25ABV%: 5.25% - 5.75%OG: 1.052 - 1.056Difficulty: IntermediateFG: 1.013 - 1.016Color: AmberFERMENTABLES6.6 lb. Munich LME1 lb. Amber DMESPECIALTY GRAINS8 oz. Caramel 60L4 oz. Caramel 20LHOPS1 oz. Bittering1 oz. FlavoringYEAST1 Sachet