National Parks and Protected Areas: Their Role in Environmental Protection
Price 144.95 USD
National Parks and Protected Areas explores the roles that national parks play in preserving and understanding biodiversity and related ecosystem processes. As the gateway to the conservation effort, parks can no longer be viewed as distinct, separate entities. They must be understood and managed in the context of their surrounding ecological and cultural landscapes. National Parks and Protected Areas outlines the reasons why ecosystem management serves as a functional paradigm for parks and protected areas, and presents the supporting historical, political, ecological and legal bases. It illustrates the role that these guiding principles of ecosystem management play in protecting landscapes of various scales--ranging from a complete system of protected areas to an individual park. The use of case examples provides background and understanding of the often contentious role natural processes play in park ecosystems. Recognizing that management of protected areas requires constant survelllance and monitoring to identify changes and trends, National Parks and Protected Areas clearly identifies the real value of maintaining pristine protected areas.