There to the Bitter End: Ted Serong in Vietnam

Price 18.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781865084688

In the 1960s, the CIA and the Pentagon invited Ted Serong, an Australian soldier, to advise them on the conduct of the war in Vietnam. This is his story of that war and how he turned a relatively minor assingment into the development of a programme for the war against the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong. An adviser to Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Kissinger and presidents of South Vietnam, Ted Serong attended a multitude of secret planning meetings in Washington and Saigon. Throughout all of this, he kept a personal diary which he updated daily, even during the final helicopter evacuation from the roof of the American embassy. This book is based on that diary and the accounts of many of the Australians, Americans and South Vietnamese who Serong worked and fought with.