Creating Successful Dementia Care Settings (4 Volume Set)
Price 89.95 USD
Whether you"re designing from the ground up or trying to improve the services of an existing facility, here is a cornucopia of techniques to make your care program more dementia-friendly. Margaret P. Calkins spearheads this 4-volume resource, which describes how to integrate the physical environment, care practices, and residents" needs into a complementary, holistic approach to dementia care. Each volume provides easy-to-implement ideas for making each facility"s care culture more supportive of individual residents. Practical, detailed information about key areas of Alzheimer"s care will enlarge your staff"s understanding of residents" aging senses, cognitive and functional abilities, disruptive behaviors, and sense of identity. Help staff better understand the experience of Alzheimer"s disease and learn simple ways to create better interactions! For each topic, learn about what the individual experiences, what staff can do to help, what the care environment-both the physical environment and staff practices-can do to help, and where to find products that support such enlightened care practices. In these no-nonsense, fully cross-indexed volumes, you can quickly find the advice you need anywhere in the series. Plus, quick-reference Summary Sheets provide handy tips and techniques, and the Behavior Tracking Form helps you identify and resolve underlying problems. From one of the country"s leading experts in Alzheimer"s care environments comes a unique and comprehensive new resource. Creating Successful Dementia Care Settings brings the innovative ideas and leadership of Dr. Calkins to your care environment. Short of a private consultation, you won"t find better advice on improving your program or better training for your staff at all levels. Margaret P. Calkins is President of I.D.E.A.S., Inc.: Innovative Designs in Environments for an Aging Society, a consultation, education, and research firm in Kirtland, Ohio.