Yoga Beyond Asana The Complete Guide for Blissful Life

Price 10.47 - 12.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788190952279

Yoga has become very popular in the world in last decade. More than 20 million people in the USA alone practice yoga. The term yoga in the West is primarily associated with stretches and postures/asanas; however, yoga is much more than physical exercise. The book Yoga Beyond Asana.... helps you to understand the real meaning of Yoga, how to practice and apply in daily life. The practice of yoga is an art and science. The goal of the yoga is not only for a physical fitness but to attain oneness of body, mind and soul. It helps to attain good health, calmness of mind, equanimity, everlasting peace, bliss/Anandam and self-enlightenment, the ultimate union of an individual consciousness (soul) with the Supreme Consciousness (Self-Realization) and liberation (Moksha) from worldly suffering, Sat Chit Ananda. Yoga is not a religion, nor preaches any religion. It is the way to attain a healthy, happy and peaceful life. Yoga, the state of being is for everyone who wants to live his or her life to the fullest and reach their unlimited potential. Yoga is the ultimate solution for Blissful Life. Yoga Beyond Asana.... is based upon the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali"s Yoga Sutra and Satya s personal experiences. You will learn about Action/Karma Yoga, Love/Bhakti Yoga, Janna/Knowledge Yoga, and eight steps of Raja Yoga, meditation and Samadhi. The colorfully designed with illustrations pocket book helps you to raise your level of consciousness, overcome old, self-defeating behaviors and limiting beliefs, attain good health and peace of mind, reach your unlimited energy and potential, and find the beautiful person within. By practicing the simple, step-by step tips given in the book and recording your progress on the daily planner provided in the back of the book, you will travel on a beautiful spiritual journey; attain a healthy body, a heart filled with love and compassion, a mind at peace and happiness within (Bliss/Anandam). You will live the best life you could ever imagine and experience your true being! In her dedication Satya wrote I earnestly hope that this Anandam guide helps you as much it has helped me to understand the ultimate meaning and purpose of the Yoga and also practicing in daily life. Satya Kalra is the founder of Path to Anandam, a non-profit organization. Path to Anandam is the road that takes one to the hidden treasure of eternal happiness and peace by unshackling from all emotional attachments and negativities through a spiritual journey of self-transformation. Yoga Beyond Asana... the complete Guide for Blissful Life is available both in hard cover and e-book format.