Bearing the Big H: A Hormonal Journey on the Hysterectomy Highway

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780971388109

It took surgery for former newspaper reporter, Patti Pfeiffer, to turn author. It was during her own recovery from a hysterectomy that she wrote this enlightening and entertaining book detailing her experiences with endometriosis, laser surgery, laparoscopy, vaginal hysterectomy, surgical menopause, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and gynecologists. Through chapters titled "Hystery in the Making" and "The Long Gurney Home", readers gain insight into the emotional, physical and mental aspects of surgery, preoperative to postoperative. But more than surgery, "Bearing the Big H" is about the peaks, perks and pitfalls of womanhood. Any woman whether healthy or hindered will relate to the satirical stories describing the experiences exclusive to the childbearing gender. If you have personally shared the author"s experiences, or know someone who has had, or is about to undergo a hysterectomy, this book is priceless, upbeat, hilarious - and required reading!