Let The Kids Cook!

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780978921309

Let The Kids Cook! offers a new two fold innovative approach to cooking over the standard children s cookbook currently found in the marketplace. The first ever Color Coded Spoon Stickers, which coincide with the measurements found in the recipes, allow children of all ages to easily follow the directions. The step-by-step procedure enables children to attempt tasks that parents, on their own, may fear too complicated for their youngster. The recipes presented in this book have been purposefully selected because the main ingredient is one that is familiar and enjoyed; however, a variety of condiments have been introduced to give them a wider exposure to flavor enhancements. During my ten years of teaching, I have found that children are more apt to try new foods once they have taken an active role in the preparation of them. By cooking primarily from scratch both parents and children gain a better understanding of how healthy eating can also taste great. This cookbook spells out to adults just how much children are actually capable of doing in the kitchen. My goal is to do just that. Let The Kids Cook!