Save Your Planet: Mother Mary"s Handbook for World Transformation
Price 19.99 USD
For more than a century, Mother Mary has appeared to people around the world, giving teachings and prophecies. Yet she has never given more profound and detailed teachings than you will find in this amazing book. This is Mother Mary"s handbook for personal and planetary transformation. A gift to the true spiritual seekers of today. If you are longing for a deeper sense of meaning, Mother Mary will show you why you are on Earth at this crucial moment in time. She explains how your consciousness is intimately connected to the conditions on this planet and how you can personally help manifest a better future for all life. Mother Mary explains that the Earth is going through a spiritual transformation that requires us to raise our consciousness. If we fail to do this, we will see natural disasters or wars. Yet although this book contains serious prophecies, it does not bring a message of fear but a message of profound hope and unconditional love. Mother Mary releases eight unique new rosaries designed to empower us to change our own lives and the future of the planet. CONTAINS THE ENTIRE TEXT OF MOTHER MARY"S NEW ROSARIES