More Than A Year in Provence: Endless Tour de France Travel (Volume 1)

Price 11.69 - 12.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780615858098

FRANCE TRAVEL Peter Mayle started it all with "A Year in Provence." Inspiring Rick Steves, the Lonely Planet crew and all the France Travel Guidebook creators that were to follow. One guy who was not influenced by these fine folks, was the Author of this book. Simply because, at that time, he didn"t know they existed! But not to worry. San Francisco Film Maker Christopher Strong had his own "Tour de France" dream. To spontaneously cycle the French Country backroads. With no fixed itinerary. Tasting the land and the people as well as the food and wine. FRANCE FOR DUMMIES And so finally, after a week of irregular and informal French Lessons from a Dutch friend, with no regard for the niceties of French Grammar, Christopher"s French Vocabulary was limited to five words: "hello", "goodbye", "please", "thank you", and the essential "where"s the toilet?" FRENCH KISS In spite of, or perhaps because of his lack of French Language smarts, with no butt saving French Phrasebook, Christopher"s first "Tour de France" was a resounding personal success. Even on the French Riviera! FRANCE TRAVEL GUIDE - MORE THAN A YEAR IN PROVENCE Inspired by the overwhelming hospitality lavished upon him, Christopher decided to return and film his next adventure. He did. And he continued, year after year. Until finally he had an up close and personal lifestyle/adventure series - "Bicycle Gourmet"s Treasures of France." An authentic view of France Today. FRENCH HISTORY After seeing the first results of Christopher"s "Tour de France" filming, his friends, not suprisingly, suggested he write a book. Not a book on French Cooking or (shudder) French Diet mind you, but a "behind the scenes" account of his filming adventures. And his many encounters with French Wine. This is that book.