Keith Haring 31 Subway Drawings

Price 36.90 - 50.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780986000805

Over a five year period in one of the most epic conquests of public space ever ventured, Keith Haring produced a titanic, muscular and mesmerizing body of work across the New York City subway system that remains to this day, some thirty years after the fact, dauntingly singular in both its scale and impact upon public consciousness. Dedicated as much to the countless people who might randomly encounter them as much as to the present tense to which their most momentary of lives were tethered, Haring s drawings exist now in the posterity of myth and the salvaged shards of urban artifacts like impossible relics of some divinely doomed civilization. Because they were not meant to last, briefly inhabiting their temporary lodgings in blacked-out advertizing vacancies like itinerant dreams before being covered up by commerce or torn down by authorities and admirers alike, what little remains of this massive body of work is oddly esoteric and rarified now- and no two terms could be more ill-fitting to this most populist of artists. -Carlo McCormick, Mass Transit: Transformation & Transcendence in Haring s Subway Drawings