India and the Apostle Thomas; an inquiry with a critical analysis of the Acta Thomae

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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1905 Excerpt: ...India." From these writings apparently the name has been taken up by some later Syrian writers:--(1) Barhebraeus (Chron. Eccl., tom. i. col. 34), giving a summary of the preachings of the Apostles, says: "Thomas preached to the Parthians, the Medes, and at Calamina, a town of India, was crowned with martyrdom, whence his body was removed to Edessa." A similar passage of his is given by Assemani, Bibl. Or., iv. p. 33, from another work, Horreum Mysteriorum: Comment, in Matth. (2) An anonymous Syrian writer3 says: "The Apostle Thomas preached... in India ihterior, and v taught and baptized and conferred the imposition of hands for the priesthood. He also baptized the daughter of the King of the Indians. But the Brahmins killed 1 See Du Fresne and Du Cange"s edit, of the Chronicon Paschale, Parisiis, 1688, p. 435, and Migne, P. Gr.-L., tom. xcii. col. 1071, Ecclesiastical History concerning the Seventy Disciples of the Lord, by Dorotheus, bishop of Tyrej No. vii., Of the Apostle Thomas. 2 Vol. i., Parisiis, 1630, and placed before Commentar. in Acta Apostolor., who wrote the Enarratio de duodecim Apostolis et locis ubi Evangelium praedicaverunt. s In Brit. Mus. Syr. Add. Cod. 17193, folio 80, of the year 874, published by the joint editors of the above Chron. Eccl., vol. iii. cols. 9-10. him at Calamina. His body was brought to Edessa and there it rests." The name has also made its way into the later Martyrologies. It may be remembered that the old Western Martyrology, known as the Hieronymian, makes no mention of Calamina, but it is found in Baronius" revision or edition of the Roman Martyrology. We may therefore infer, in a general way, that between the latter end of the seventh and the middle of the eighth century the name KaXaivrf came into vogue, and got ...