Royal Massage Deluxe Prenatal Pregnancy Cushion Set

Price 329.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 609788684015

Manufacture Harvest Time Church

The ultimate in comfort and luxury, our Royal Massage Prenatal Cushion Set provides support whether your client is in a face-down or face-up position. The supple cushions offer relief for stress and muscle tension. Whether you are performing massage, physical therapy, ankle or pregnancy massage, your clients remain comfortable and fully-supported throughout. The Royal Massage Prenatal Cushion Package is the ideal cushioning system for any stage of pregnancy. It is also perfect for anyone who can"t lie comfortably on their stomach due to back problems or who recently had breast surgery. Package Includes: Adjustable face cradle, removable chest cushion, pelvic support, leg bolsters, side armrests and zippered nylon carry case with straps.