The Everlasting Covenant: God\"s Promise to Abraham and the World
For thousands of years the question has been asked - exactly who are God"s chosen people? Are they the people who were lucky enough to be born of a certain nationality? Or are God"s chosen people only those who were smart enough to make the right decision as to what to believe? As we look back over recorded secular and Biblical history, we see that wars have been fought, untold numbers have died, families have been divided, and hearts broken over this very question to this very day. The current Middle East conflict is just one example of the damage caused by conflicting opinions over who God"s people are and where their inheritance lies. With such an ancient dilemma such as this, is there any possibility of a solution? Could there be any good news about such a controversial issue? The answer is a resounding YES! The author of this book, E. J. Waggoner, gave up his medical career in pursuit of the truth and found a beautiful, heart-warming answer to this age-old question. Though written a hundred years ago, this book is crucial to understanding the conflicts that exist in our world today. Your heart will thrill as you read "The Everlasting Covenant" and catch the vision of what God has in mind for the world, and for you. This newly revised, updated edition of Waggoner"s Everlasting Covenant is fully illustrated, and has two additional chapters.