Beyond Belief: Agnostic Musings for 12 Step Life: finally, a daily reflection book for nonbelievers, freethinkers and everyone

Price 17.00 - 18.89 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780988115705

Rebellion Dogs Publishing is proud to announce a 21st century daily reflection book. Beyond Belief"s 2014 second printing is now available with a Foreword by Ernie Kurtz and updated links and End Notes. What are "agnostic musings"? It is not news to anyone that the war of worldviews makes for sporting debate; does an intervening God grant sobriety, serenity, wisdom and courage or is conscious contact a delusion? Sorry, while we might be as amused as anyone with this question, Beyond Belief: Agnostic Musings for 12 Step Life doesn"t enter this debate. Hate the game; don"t hate the players. A good idea is a good idea. Why dismiss valid experience because of the beliefs that someone harbors? Beliefs aren’t facts. Beyond our belief is where life is happening: chances have to be taken; processes have to be evaluated; life has to be lived. Atheists, humanists, skeptics and agnostics will feel included in these daily reflections. Believers won"t feel mocked or belittled. Everyone in recovery is included. No one needs to adopt the beliefs of someone else nor deny our own beliefs to get clean and sober. Believing and belonging are not synonymous. We are well into Century 21. Anyone should feel free to doubt or believe with impunity. Everyone’s experience is a valid currency. The 12 Step community has no experts. Rebellion Dogs Publishing neither canonizes nor vilifies 12 Step culture. This book draws on philosophy, psychology, entertainment, art, spiritual musings, skeptical inquiry and the uncanny wisdom of the rooms. Professional and 12&12 Member reviews: Melissa D., Clinical Psychologist, California says, “I have never seen a daily devotional book written for agnostics. I found the readings to be extremely thought provoking. I wonder sometimes since there is such talk about God at meetings, what kind of turn-off that must be for agnostics. I think this book will be very helpful to both the newcomer and the mature 12 Step member.” Bob K, contributor to says, “I expected his book to be good. It’s WAY, WAY better than good. The book is outstanding. Two decades of not being a ‘daily reflections’ kind of guy, are over. Now I have reflections worth reflecting over! Buy this book or you will suffer a horrible and painful death! Well, maybe not, but you’ll be missing out on something very good.” Michel D. says, “AA can, and must, adapt to changing circumstances and Bill Wilson was the first one to admit it. Unfortunately, members who have come after him are more zealous than our first members. We have seen this dogmatism in history before of course, especially in religion. This is a very slippery slope. I really like the fact that these reflections are for anyone who has an open mind. It does not cater to a specific group to the exclusion of others. “ Denis K. says, “Many thanks for this great book; my Monday night group and I are having some great discussions related to the daily musings both at the group and often during the week over coffee. All of us were quickly losing interest in the local meetings; Beyond Belief: Agnostic Musings for 12 Step Life gave all of us a much needed spark that has renewed our interest in the fellowship.” Dr. Amy, MSW, PhD, adds, “One criticism of the 12 Step movement of course is that its dogma can be limiting—Beyond Belief seems to have addressed this. The quotes are cogent, the organization superb and the contributors are diverse.” The book includes an index of over 120 topics, extensive notes and a bibliography.