Plush Turtle Ball Pit with 25 Colored Play Balls

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 8330123314

Plush Turtle Ball Pit is a soft pal and a play place for babies and toddlers. The cozy and friendly Turtle Activity Bag and the Set of 25 Play Balls combine to entertain babies all afternoon. * Sit them inside the pit, or zip the turtle up to discover other activities on the outside of its shell. Designed for babies and young children (ages 6 months to 3 years), the crinkly textures on the turtle"s feet and different colored and textured squares on its shell stimulate developing senses and encourage exploration * One square is a mirror, one is clear plastic, one is felt, one is satin, one is corduroy and four other squares have different patterns. * Baby will love to toss the bright, lightweight plastic balls, or just roll around in them * The balls can be pushed through a special hole in the turtle"s shell.