Problem Child Single Parent: Part II
Price 17.20 - 41.35 USD
On this journey with my daughter being an Emotionally Impaired student in a Special Education Classroom where I found much discrimination. When she reached the age twelve, it started becoming apparent to me. It seemed she was rejected by her peers who made fun of because of her disability and learning ability but it did help much when she was called L.D. or the 504 Kid and other names associated with her disability. Kids can be so cruel to each other-not understanding the depth of the pain they suffer. This conducted started in her second year in Junior high and lasted through her high school years. Mr. Knight, Principal of Munger Junior High School stated that there had been a significant, rapid change in my daughter"s behavior since last year. It is sad that a principal can point out that my daughter was going downhill and he did nothing to fix it until I started writing letters and she was sent to another school, it was as simple as a telephone call. At that time, Mr. Knight stated there was no money in the school district budget to have my daughter moved. The downfall in an EI Special Education Classroom is that everyone suffers with A.D.H.D. (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) which was the biggest of my daughter"s problems, those boys who were really hyper. They were in trouble especially when they had nothing to do all day but play games. for the entire day every day. They didn"t have a teacher but they did have a babysitter in the classroom who was hired from the Kronk"s Boxing Gym to sit in class. This man had no teaching skills. who was sitting in this EI Classroom. I told Mr. Knight I was very disappointed with what was going on in Jemeica"s class. I asked him if Mr. Ronald was a certified teacher. He replied no and stated they would be hiring a certified teacher soon. I then asked Mr. Knight where were the books and other learning resources in this classroom that was supposed to be the main teachin