Essentials of Macromedia RoboHelp HTML X5
RoboHelp HTML is the industry standard for Help authoring. It’s the preferred program if you are a Help author, technical writer, or programmer tasked with creating Help systems for desktop or Web-based applications. This easy-to-use tutorial that will have you creating your own HTML Help systems (complete with topics, books, links, tables, forms, glossaries, frames, skins, templates, DHTML, cascading style sheets and more) within two days. Here’s What You Will Learn: Module 1: The Basics Create an HTML Help Project Using the New Project Wizard | Explore RoboHelp HTML | Explore the Project Manager | Change Project Settings | Edit a Topic | Add a New Topic | Edit a Headline | Rename and Delete Topics | Create a Book | Add, Delete and Rename Books | Move Books | Add Pages to Books | Specify the Project’s Default Topic | Generate a Project Module 2: Cascading Style Sheets Create a WebHelp Project Using the New Project Wizard | Import an HTML File | Import a Word Document | Rename Topic Titles | Create Books | Add Topics to Books | Apply a Style Sheet to a Topic | Apply Styles to Selected Paragraphs | Edit Styles | Create a Font Set | Create a New Style Sheet File | Use Inline Styles | Create and Use a Character Style | Spell Check | Use Multi-File Find and Replace | Generate 508 and W3C Compliant WebHelp Module 3: FlashHelp, Links, Importing PDFs and Pop-Ups Generate FlashHelp | Insert Hyperlinks | Change Hyperlink Colors | Import a PDF Document | Add Popups | Create Custom-Sized Popups | Use Link View | Resolve Broken Links Module 4: Graphics and Multimedia Add Graphics to a Help Project | Resize an Inserted Graphic | Add a Background Image | Add a Baggage File | Add Hotspots to a Graphic | Add Sound to a Topic Background | Add Multimedia to a Topic | Import a RoboDemo Movie plus there’s a Mid-Course Quiz and Project Module 5: Conditional Text, Tables and DHTML Create and Use a Conditional Build Tag | Define a Build Tag Expression | Insert a Table | Format a Table | Add a Horizontal Line | Use a Graphic as a Horizontal Line | Insert a Symbol | Add Bullets to Paragraphs | Format a Heading with a Fade in DHTML Effect | Use a Style to Apply DHTML Effects | Apply Fly in DHTML Effects | Work with Positioned Text Boxes | Create a Trigger Module 6: Indexes, Glossaries, Printed Docs and PDFs Create an Index with the Smart Index Wizard | Remove an Index Entry | Add Index Entries "On the Fly" | Add Keywords with the Topic Properties | Add Subkeywords to the Index | Create a See Also Keyword | Add a Link Control to a Topic | Add Glossary Terms | Change the Status of a Topic | Generate a Report | Generate Printed Documentation | Duplicate the Printed Document Layout | Generate a PDF Module 7: Forms and Frames Insert a Form | Insert a Text Field Form Element | Add Radio Button Form Elements | Use the TrueCode Pane to Add Radio Buttons | Add a Check Box Form Element | Insert a Drop-Down Menu Form Element | Add a Multi-line Text Field Form Element | Add Submit and Reset Buttons | Set Form Properties | Work with Folders | Create a Frameset | Modify Frameset Controls | Link Topics into Frameset Regions Module 8: Skins and Templates Apply Existing Skins to Topics | Create and Use a Custom Skin | Publish a Project | Create and Apply a Template with Headers and Footers | Edit a Template Module 9: Version Control, Custom Windows and Application Help Add a Project to Version Control | Check a Topic into Version Control | Check Topic History | Create a Custom HTML Help Window | Create a Browse Sequence | Review a Web Application’s Source Code | Publish a WebHelp Project | Review the Source Code Needed to Create Context Sensitive Links in a Web Application | Create a Custom WebHelp Window | Create a Map File and Assign Map IDs to Topics plus there’s an End-of-Course Project