Grammar of Conducting: Comprehensive Guide to Baton Technique and Interpretation

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780028722108

This is a practical study of modern baton technique. There is a foreword by George Szell. This is a wealth of information about conducting with musical examples throughout the book. Contents: (main headings only) ? Introduction ? The non espressivo pattern (4 beat) ? Staccato patterns (4 beat) ? The expressivo-legato patterns (4 beat) ? Starting on other counts ? The 3 beat ? Sudden changes of dynamics & articulation ? Crescendo & decrescendo ? Facing the orchestra ? The 2 beat ? The 1 beat ? The marcato pattern ? Start after the count ? The 6 beat ? Subdivision ? Rests ? Ritardando & accelerando ? The tenuto pattern ? Holds (I) ? Holds (II) ? Accents & syncopation ? Phrasing ? Different uses for basic patterns ? Achieving complete physical control ? On preparation in general ? Number of beats in a measure (I) ? Number of beats in a measure (II) ? 5 time & 7 time ? Changes of rhythm & tempo ? Free style ? Application of baton technique ? Appendix: Discussion of complete works or movements ? List of diagrams ? Index of music