Puerto Vallarta on 49 Brain Cells a Day (Volume 1)

Price 26.99 - 29.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9789709304909

Puerto Vallarta On 49 Brain Cells A Day is a hilarious collection of true stories detailing an American expat’s confusing first years living in Mexico. We follow him and his saintly wife as they stumble through a series of surreal misadventures. Whether the author is unknowingly telling a waiter in his beginner’s mangled Spanish that he wants to, “…urinate right here, at this table!” or asking a twelve year-old girl at her birthday party, “…so tell me, señorita, how many anuses do you have…” readers will find themselves literally choking with laughter from the very first page. The author, who upon his arrival in Vallarta, quickly developed a fondness for “Raicilla” (the local moonshine), is continually getting himself into one bizarre predicament after another: buying a five foot-long iguana at the beach and then attempting to drive it home in his Volkswagen Bug; almost setting his boss on fire trying to light a barbecue with the afore-mentioned moonshine; and falling into a pig sty at a rural wedding. The list of mishaps goes on and on, as does the laughter. Oddly enough, this entertaining well-written book of stories in also highly instructive, in its own way, giving the reader a comprehensive view (albeit through a slightly cracked lens) of what life is actually like for an American living in Mexico.