The Gospel of Thomas: Wisdom of the Twin

Price 18.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781883991562

The discovery of the Gospel of Thomas has created an immense flurry of curiosity and speculation. Is the text real? Are these the authentic words of Jesus? If they are, what does it all mean? This new translation is surrounded by supportive material to help scholars and students alike explore these sayings in depth. Unlike other translations, Lynn Bauman’s sensitive work is not simply a “literal” translation. Based upon the principle of “dynamic equivalency,” its purpose is to propel the reader/listener into an equivalent experience of language and meaning as the original Coptic text but in English, with equivalent cultural terms and ideas. It is therefore fresher, more poignant, more direct, and more understandable without being a paraphrase. In addition, the text has with it a reader’s guide. Each saying of Jesus is accompanied by a section that includes Questions for Reflection, an academic translation of each saying, and notes dealing with translation choices. This enables the reader to make discoveries on his or her own through suggestions and questions for consideration, meditation, and journaling.