Monitoring and Evaluating Social Programs in Developing Countries: A Handbook for Policymakers, Managers, and Researchers (WBI Development Studies)
Price 45.66 USD
Project sustainability has received considerable attention in recent years. The increased awareness stems from a growing concern with social development issues such as poverty reduction, project sustainability, the equal participation of women, and the social costs of economic development. This handbook provides a comprehensive guide to the wide range of techniques available for monitoring and evaluating the main kinds of social development programs. The authors highlight or review a number of topics that have been overlooked in earlier evaluation publications, such as: -The organization of monitoring and evaluation at the project, sectoral, and national levels -The management of the databases required to elect, design, and implement new social projects and programs -The monitoring and evaluation of project sustainability -Simple and cost-effective methods of estimating project impact. The authors also discuss methods for identifying potential beneficiaries and their information needs and ways of managing evaluations.