World-Wide Evangelization The Urgent Business Of The Church : Addresses Delivered Before The Fourth International Convention Of The Student Volunteer ... Toronto, Canada, February 26-March 2, 1902
Price 24.29 - 25.44 USD
WORLD-WIDE EVANGELIZATION THE URGENT BUSINESS OF THE CHURCH ADDRESSES DELIVERED BEFORE THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION O F T H E S T U D E N T VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT FOR FOREIGN hlISSIONS T O R O N T O , CANADA, FEBRUARY 26-MARCH 2, 1902 NEW YORK S T U D E N T VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT F O R FOREIGN MISSIONS INTRODUCTORY TIIE series of conventions, of which the one here reported is the fourth, constitutes one of tlie agencies employed by the Sttident Volunteer hlovement for Foreign A lissions. The ptirposc of these gatherings is to bring together carefu ly selected delegations of students and professors froin all iiiiportai t institt tions of Nortli America, and the leaders of the missionary enterprise, both at lionie and abroad, to consider the great problen of the evangelization of the world and tinitedly to resolve to tindertake, in His strength, greater things for tlie esteiision of the Kingdoin of Christ. A ftlller statement concerning the Student Lolunteer hIovement is fotlnd on pages 39-55 of this voltline, to which the reatler is referred. In tlie present volume the atltlresses, infornial disctlssions and qtiestions of the various sessions are reported substantially as they were tittered, tliotigh nrith stich er le itlation b s y tlie speakers and the editor as see netln ecessarj. in tile interest of clearl essa nt1 profitable abritlgment. Co ltlensation has been sori c. vliat more conspicuous ill tlie case of the iiiipromptti talks of tl e sectional meetings and in a very few of the platform atltlresses, wliere the esceetlingly rapid itteranceo f tl es peakers macle it impossible for the stenographer to ftilly report what was said. The introductory statcinents of tl e cliairmcn of tlie variot sn eetingsa n lt lie prayers offered are omitted as beinp of only teii1porary interest. So, too, owing to tlie espressetl preference of tliose in charge, the sectional ineetings of the Young hlens ancl the Yoting LVomens Cliristian Associations have not been printed, wlrile the tlenornil atioilal rallies are unreportetl for obviotis reasons. To rencler tlie volurne as helpful as possible as a book of reference, lists of books, etc., cor taine iln the Etlucatioiial Exhibit are printed in Appendix A. Appenclis D Ilas been prepared in ortler to aid the leaders of inissionary meetings in readily fintling itiaterial for sticli occasions. References to a few easily proctlrable books, as well as to this volume, are given here, for the sake of ftirnisliing greater picturesqueness ant1 breadth of treatment. In order to make the contents easilv accessible an analvtical list of illustrations for missionary speakers - Appendix E - and a very ftill index are also added. CONTENTS PREPARAT S O E R R Y VI CE . Surrender, Indwelling, Freedom. hlr. Robert E. Speer, hf. A. Christ in the Life is Enough. hIrs. F. Howard Taylor ADDRESSE O S F VELCOME A ND RESPONSE . Educational Institutions Recruiting Centers and a Training Ground. Right Rev. Arthur S veatmnn, D. D., D. C. L., Bishop of Toronto . hlissions a Blessing to Educational Institutions. Pri icipnl iVilliam Caven, D. D., LL. D. . The Inspiration and Blessedness of the hlissionnry Enterprise. Rev. John Potts, D. D. . . . Response Significance of the Convention. hlr. John R. hiott, M. A. VHY SIIOUL T D HE TARING OF JESUSC IIRISTK NOWN TO AI. I. PEOPLE RE THE COIILIASI INC P URPOS I E N TTIE TJFE OF EVERY CIIRISTIAN Rev. J. Ross Stevenson, L. I. . THE S TUDENTV OLUNTEE R O V E I E NOTF ST IIE UNITED S TATE A S N D CANADA AN D OF GREATB RITAIN . Progress of the Student Volunteer hlove nent. RIr. John R. h. Iott, h. 1. A. . IVork of the British Student Voluriteer Missionary Union. hlr. T. Jays . THE Q UALIFICATIO A N N S D PREPARATIO O N F THE VOLUNTEER . Spiritual hlen Neetled for Spiritxi1 irork in hlissions. Eislrop James hl. Thoburn, D. D...