We Are All Africans - Exposing the Negative Influence of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Religions on Africans

Price 60.66 - 81.45 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781935097310

We Are All Africans challenges the teachings of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religions from an African perspective. Readers of the Christian, Jewish and Islamic faith will discover an honest evaluation of their religious teachings and the effects on society. The book blends history, science and experiential reality to challenge the claims of the Bible and Koran as books written under inspiration by Gods - Yahweh, Trinity and Allah. It dispels the long-held belief that all men descended from Adam six thousand years ago and includes Africans as his descendants. This book asserts that Africans were on the continent hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions, before Adam emerged and they could not be his descendants. It claims that Adam, if he existed at all, was a descendant of Africans. Much more than a compelling intellectual exercise, this book evaluates the Bible"s stories, especially the pieces written by Moses which form the foundation of these religions. When compared to discoveries of modern science, common observations of nature and every day experience, the Bible"s stories are found wanting, devoid of substance, fact and truth. It examines the story of how the whole universe and life on earth were created in six 24-hour days, only six thousand years ago; Adam and Eve being the ancestors of all mankind who lived six thousand years ago in Iraq; Noah"s global deluge; crossing of the Red Sea; the destruction of homosexuals in Sodom and Gomorrah, the Deity and pre-earth existence of Jesus in heaven and many others. It discusses how Yahweh was created by Moses, Trinity by Romans and Allah by Mohammed as man-made Gods in contrast to the real Creator of the universe. It concludes that since the fossil record, radiometric dating, tracing of Y-Chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA, and melanin establish Africa as the origin of man hundreds of thousands if not millions of years ago, then Africans and their descendants did not and could not descend from Adam and inherit his sin. Therefore they do not need Jesus as a savior or Moses and Mohammed as their prophets or intermediaries for redemption of sin.