Peapatch Politics: The Earl Long Era in Louisiana Politics
Price 25.00 USD
Academic authors have sifted historical records to reach a variety of opinions on Huey Long and Earl Long and other politicians of their era, but here"s Bill Dodd, Earl"s Lieutenant Governor, who was there at Earl Long"s side as a participant and an eye-witness, who was a master at the game of Louisiana politics, and who will explain the ground rules of the game and separate fact from much of the fiction that was fed by the media during the turbulent Long period. Chapter titles include: 1) The Why of Louisiana Politics: An Introduction 2) The Long Family 3) The Earl Long I Knew 4) Miss Blanche 5) The "47 Campaign and How I Got on the Earl Long Ticket 6) The Truth About the Tidelands 7) Russell B. Long 8) Observations About Several of My Statewide Campaigns 9) Earl Long"s Flunkies: Hangers-on and Court Jesters 10) Louisiana Kingmakers 11) Humor in Politics 12) Earl and Huey"s Louisiana: A Final Word