Shanghai Jiao Tong Top 200 Research Universities Encyclopedia 2012 - 2014

Price 42.13 - 50.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9787313097873

Pioneering Global University Guide, the Shanghai Jiao Tong Top 200 Research Universities Encyclopedia is based upon direct interviews with the leaders of the world"s best 200 research universities as defined by the original and most respected international university ranking - the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU); produced by academics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University"s Graduate School of Education. Great young minds and ambitious students will benefit hugely from the sage advice they can expect from university leaders around the world, offering insights as to cutting edge research programs, exciting areas of study, entrepreneurial opportunities and groundbreaking teaching and learning approaches. The Shanghai Jiao Tong Top 200 Research Universities Encyclopedia has been developed over the course of a year to inspire future generations to have a great impact on the world through their studies at university.