Expert Economic Testimony: Reference Guides for Judges and Attorneys

Price 75.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780913875544

A guide for lawyers, judges and valuation professionals in determining economic losses in a number of settings. The field of forensic economics is a rapidly changing sub-discipline in economics, perhaps best reflected by the increasingly common inclusion of economists as expert witnesses in courtroom settings. You will learn to process and understand expert evidence from the discipline of economics. This book provides a detailed examination of the art and science of economics, including expert testimony. You will gain a solid understanding of how economists apply the tools and methodologies of their discipline in these common areas of litigation. The four areas of litigation covered are: personal injury, wrongful death & survival actions; commercial litigation; valuing closely held businesses; and employment discrimination cases. Topics covered: Analysis of income/payroll taxes and work expenses Analysis of lost earnings/financial support Analysis of personal consumption and maintenance Causality and related issues in commercial damages litigation Economic framework for lost profits estimation Elements of economic loss in personal injuries Factors determining the scope of expert testimony Hedonic damages Identifying and quantifying employment discrimination Loss valuation for a personal injury Loss valuation in wrongful death and survival actions Necessitated medical and life care costs