Espalda Sana (Spine Work) (Spanish Edition)
This book offers an opportunity to alleviate individual problems and to prevent further harm or injury in the neck, shoulders and back. Examines the link between dysfunction of the spine muscles and back pain. Offers a full Pilates-based exercise program teaching how to train muscles in order to develop strength and flexibility. Description in Spanish: Este libro ofrece un programa de ejercicios basados en el Método Pilates que te ayudará a corregir tus problemas posturales, a fortalecer tus músculos y a proteger tu espalda de posibles dolores y lesiones. Un programa completo para: fortalecer los músculos y ganar flexibilidad; reducir el riesgo de lesiones y problemas posturales; eliminar los dolores de espalda, cuello y las contracturas musculares.