BSAVA Manual of Veterinary Nursing (Manual of Veterinary Care)

Price 99.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780905214504

Brand Brand: BSAVA

The BSAVA Manual of Veterinary Nursing, (part of the BSAVA Manuals of Veterinary Nursing edited by Gill Simpson), offers an approach to enable workers and students in the field to develop their skills to set them on their way to achieving the national standards now in place for veterinary nursing. Areas covered include modern wound management, anaesthetic and radiography techniques, surgical and medical nursing, and emergency care. Chapters on pharmacy and pharmacology, client advice, and ethics and the law give practical slants to often difficult topics. The book is an essential practical guide and reference for all student veterinary nurses, their trainers and assessors, and a must for every practice bookshelf. BSAVA, BVNA and FECAVA members can claim their member discount by ordering direct from: British Small Animal Veterinary Association Woodrow House, 1 Telford Way, Waterwells Business Park, Quedgeley, Gloucester, GL2 4AB, Tel: 01452 726709, Fax: 01452 726701, E-mail: