The Superstar Hitter\"s Bible
Price 12.95 USD
"This book will help any hitter find that perfect combination of movements that will result in a higher batting average and greater consistency and power. No matter how good you are, whether you"re a Little Leaguer or a major leaguer, you"ll discover a way to improve." -- From the Introduction Big-league batting coach Bernardo Leonard and some of the top stars in baseball team up to reveal hat makes some players so successful at the plate. Using his "Twenty Commandments of Hitting," Leonard provides the tools—both mental and physical—so that players of all levels can become more confident and proficient in the batter"s box. From Tony Gynn"s discussion about analyzing a pitcher and Matt Williams"s secrets of his stance to Cecil Fielder"s tips for young players, readers are also treated to the invaluable insights of some of the biggest names in the game. Having coached many top players, Leonard offers insights into how some of the best swings in the business evolved. "Bernardo Leonard is a hitting coach of incredible genius. No one on earth can teach hitting like Bernardo can." -- Ozzie Smith Bernardo Leonard is a former professional baseball player and one of the world"s top hitting coaches. He lives in San Antonio, Texas. Peter Golenbock has coached children"s baseball and is the author of many bestselling sports books, including the baseball classics Bums, Dynasty, and The Bronx Zoo. He lives in St. Petersburg, Florida.